Full Name *
Gender *
Ethnicity *
Race *
Date of Birth *
Age *
Social Security # *
Drivers License # *
Primary Language *
Referring Person/Agency *
Title *
Phone *
If referring agency is a shelter, how long has applicant resided in your facility?
Phone *
Marital Status *
Spouse/Ex-spouse Name *
Significant Other *
Do you own a car? *
If so, do you have current insurance on the car?
Do you have a valid, current Driver's license? *
Do you have any outstanding traffic tickets? *
Do you have any outstanding warrants? *
Name of Institutions to Which You Have Applied
How long lived there
Monthly Rent
How long lived there 2
Monthly Rent 2
How long lived there 3
Monthly Rent 3
Highest grade completed in school
Date earned GED
What colleges/junior colleges/trade schools have you attended?
Dates Worked
Gross Monthly Pay
Employer 2
Dates Worked 2
Position 2
Gross Monthly Pay 2
Employer 3
Dates Worked 3
Position 3
Gross Monthly Pay 3
Monthly Amount
If yes, list date of application:
What is status (have a Voucher)?
If so, why were you evicted?
Explain any criminal history of you and/or any family members:
If yes, attorney?
Please explain and list case number and case name, if known:
If yes, when?
If yes, list place of treatment:
List dates of treatment:
If so, how long have you been in recovery?
Name & Phone No. of Sponsor:
If so, please list the Name of Worker
How did you or your family become involved with DHR? (Child Protective Services, TANF, JOBS, Foster Care?)
If yes, when was last incident:
If you answered “yes” to any of the above, please list the condition and explain details below, including dates of injury/illness, treatment received, medications, doctor name and phone number, if you were hospitalized and where hospitalized:
Name of Medication
Daily Dosage
Dr.’s Name
If so, what is due date?
Are you being treated for the disability?
What type of disability?
Child’s Full Name
Date of Birth
Social Security Number
Medicaid No.
If not, why not?
Current School/Daycare Attending
Prior School/Daycare Attended
Has child repeated a grade or been held back a grade?
How many days of school did child miss last year?
What special needs or problems does this child have?
If so, please list medication and diagnosis:
Is child currently taking medication(s) as prescribed? If not, why not?
Child’s Full Name
Date of Birth
Social Security Number
Medicaid No.
If not, why not?
Current School/Daycare Attending
Prior School/Daycare Attended
Has child repeated a grade or been held back a grade?
How many days of school did child miss last year?
What special needs or problems does this child have?
If so, please list medication and diagnosis:
Is child currently taking medication(s) as prescribed? If not, why not?
Child’s Full Name
Date of Birth
Social Security Number
Medicaid No.
If not, why not?
Current School/Daycare Attending
Prior School/Daycare Attended
Has child repeated a grade or been held back a grade?
How many days of school did child miss last year?
What special needs or problems does this child have?
If so, please list medication and diagnosis:
Is child currently taking medication(s) as prescribed? If not, why not?
Additional Comments/Details: