
Giving to Embrace Alabama Kids

Children we serve need advocates, those who will take notice and take action on their behalf. For more than 130+ years, our supporters have done just that. Compelled by God’s grace and propelled by the crucial need that exists among children, generous supporters have breathed life into our ministry since 1890. Whether it’s through a one-time gift or recurring gift, we invite you to be a part of this important work, knowing your support is as needed today as it was decades ago. We appreciate your gift and the homes, healing and hope it provides.

Online Giving

The 1890 Society

1890 SocietyThe 1890 Society is named for the year the United Methodist Children’s Home was founded and it serves to stand behind those kids and families in need. Included in the 1890 Society are donors that contribute $10,000 or more either through annual gifts of $1,000 or more by choosing Embrace Alabama Kids as a beneficiary of their will, trust, insurance, estate bequest or legacy gift.